Hi, I’m your Wizard

Lee Lee Genovese

Lee Lee Genovese - Expat / Life Coach


Wizdom Rating: 5.0

Sessions booked: 29

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” ― Henry Miller

My Approach

“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.”

~Lewis Carroll

As an Expat / Life Coach, I’ve made it my mission to help people find “their unique way” of taking those chances now and achieving the things they have been putting off for far too long.

What life are you dreaming of?

We work together to bring that dream to your life.

With my clients, we use a FOCUSed Approach to Mastering Changes big or small.

We work together despite any uncertainty and ambiguity,

we get you crystal clear on what you want,

learn to confidently make decisions based on your priorities and desired boundaries,

build new habits,

take strategically imperfect steps forward toward your goals,

asses by celebrating a lot and evaluating by diving further into any hang-ups, confusion, resistance, or other uncomfortable experiences you meet along the way, and get after what you set out to do.

When you learn to thrive in this process, you’ve replaced overwhelm and confusion with meaning and direction.

With this FOCUSed on You Coaching you learn your way to stay in the driver’s seat of your life, find what you uniquely need to flourish, and use your potential to turn challenges into opportunities and thrive.

Coaching with me involves a lot of rapid-fire-compassion-filled-truth-telling about your blindspots and normalizing that we all have them. You are not alone.

I provide a confidential, non-judgmental space where if you aren’t sure or don’t quite YET know what or how or if you believe in your dreams or abilities, I will hold that belief for you (if you need), as we work to get you there too.

Blue skies,


Areas of Expertise

  • Expat Coaching

  • Habit building

  • Time Management

  • Decision Making/Prioritizing

  • Emotional Management/Support

About Me

Hi there, LeeLee here.

I am an International Advisor and educator turned Expat Life Coach.

My life has been one of continuous adaptation to change having lived more than half my life overseas, in a variety of different countries around the world. I'm skilled at creating and finding that feeling of home wherever I go.

This is a big part of how I help my clients.

I believe that life and your deepest happiness are about continually stretching beyond what you currently know. It’s an ongoing evolution of yourself, with a combination of learning, growing, connecting, and contributing that can benefit by being supported along the way.

It is indeed a courageous act to ask for guidance & support for the clarity you seek.

Cheers to wanting more for your life, no matter where you are. You deserve it. I am celebrating you for being here.

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